Emerging markets

Novadays deploys a Intense activity in emerging markets and especially in Mexico and South Africa.

Our work in these markets started over a decade ago, transferring International experiences and best practices for management and public policy of the governments of these countries. Since then, the experience gained has allowed us to transfer the lessons learned in these markets to both developed countries - which can learn a lot from the Innovative tools and programmes created in these countries in recent years - as well as to other countries seeking to Emulate growth and development examples of these emerging countries.

Our experience in the creation of Large infrastructure programs and projects has positioned us in these countries as a benchmark consultancy in terms of strategic projects.

Novadays has been selected as qualified advisor by the PPP Authority of the Government of Puerto Rico ...

On the occasion of the celabración of its Euskadi Congress, focused on autonomous mobility, Novadays presented ...

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, after a competitive process in which they have ...

The Government of Chile, with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank, has hired novadays ...

The REIPPP program of the Government of the Republic of South Africa, managed by the IPP unit ...