The founders of Novadays formulated the mission of our company at the time of its founding, in 2005. Since then, the mission of the company is the raison d'être of all its interventions and the motive that moves its teams towards the excellence and the exercise of the vocation of public service as support to the governments that trust in Novadays.

Novadays's mission is

Improve the world in which we live through consulting.

' Improving the world in which we live ' In a broad sense and with an ambitious scope. In Novadays we aspire to Participate in the great trends that are changing the world and help these trends impact in a Greater economic growth and greater equality between people.

The Adequate public management and the correct design of public policies It is essential to get it those impacts. Governments know this and often create Models capable of converting changes into opportunities for their citizens.

From Novadays, We develop our mission by contributing to the creation of these models and to the transfer of them between countries and sectors, so that the knowledge of The public will serve to transform the world in which we live in a better world.

'Through Consulting', because our profession allows us to be continually Where large projects are developed, create or Acquire Knowledge pointer at the time it is occurring, mobilize the collective knowledge of Complex and multidisciplinary teams And, in short, put At the service of the public Our experience and knowledge accumulated in previous experiences.

The consultancy, materialized in different forms of advice or assistance, allows us to work in Various sectors of public policy And for a Large number of Governments, of different levels (national, regional and local) and countries.

This brings wealth to our firm, in the form of Knowledge, and it has an impact on our ability to advise our clients, who agree with us to previous experiences, avoiding mistakes already committed by others and Maximizing the impacts of existing good practices.