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Security Policies, Emergency and Civil Protection

Consulting in security, emergency and civil protection policies

Security, emergency and civil protection policies are a priority for today's governments, and Novadays contributes to the design and development of these security policies from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Our work focuses on both prevention and crisis management, and is carried out in cooperation with the security forces and various public and private actors in the different European states.

Novadays supports security and emergency policy actors in defining their policies, developing plans and programmes, and managing and implementing their projects.

Our work includes cooperation not only with public actors, but also with the security industry, which needs both harmonisation of its certification procedures and funding from the public sector.


May 2024 -The Strategic Initiative for Public Procurement of Innovation (CPI) of the National Police brings together a set of investment programs, with multiple actions and projects that integrate the challenges and needs of all areas of the Police. The Initiative is a response to the challenge of the National Police to consolidate itself as a...

April 2024 - The Business Factory Aero is the best example of the results that a region can achieve with the strategic use of public procurement. With the publication of a new call for proposals (consolidation mode) and with the recognition by FUNCAS as the best accelerator in Spain, the BFAero consolidates...

Novadays is fully involved in the creation of regulatory sandboxes in several sectors. April 19, 2021 - The momentum of innovation and legislative development do not usually advance evenly, although from the legislation can drive important advances in R+D+i not only by creating requirements or future obligations that will force...

Security of critical infrastructure: the case of large tunnels Novadays is developing, together with partners from France, Italy and Belgium, a project to improve the security of European critical infrastructure against possible accidents and nuclear, chemical or bacteriological attacks. The large road and rail transport tunnels will be the first type ...

Innovative public procurement the Civil UAVs Initiative ( is a strategic initiative of the Xunta de Galicia, whose objective is the improvement of public services through innovation, using as the main instrument the public procurement Innovative. In the framework of this assistance, Novadays assists the Xunta in the strategic design, hiring,...

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