Green growth

In the year 2009, Novadays created its Green Growth Unit of Excellencea unit whose mission is to change the world we live in into a carbon-free world. The consultants of this unit-engineers, environmentalists, sociologists, jurists, economists, ...-work in the whole of the policies in which advises Novadays providing our assistance with the knowledge necessary to travel to a low carbon economy.

Within the framework of our work, four themes have concentrated much of the effort of our Green Growth unit:

  • The Impulse of clean energies, especially renewable energy and gas.
  • The transformation of mobility into a Sustainable mobility.
  • The Innovation and industrial transformation towards the low-carbon economy.
  • The Social and cultural change of societies and large groups.

Energy communities are groups of citizens, companies, local entities or any other actor that...

Testing innovative products, systems and services requires recreating the most realistic possible conditions....

The public sector and, in general, society in general, is increasingly aware of the...

Novadays enters fully into the creation of regulatory sandboxes in several sectors. 19 of...

Hydrogen: a new challenge for governments and companies. 12 April 2021...

The city of Madrid, one of the largest governments in Spain in terms of recruitment...

Novadays is reinforced in innovation in sustainable mobility policies with the award of...

The Centre for technological and Industrial Development, of the Government of Spain, has selected Novadays...

Novadays participates in the project Automost (automated driving for dual-Mode System Transport), a project in...

Novadays has been hired by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, food and environment ...

Novadays has provided technical, financial and legal support to three supraautonómicos operating groups in the...

Novadays has been selected as qualified advisor by the PPP Authority of the Government of Puerto Rico ...

Novadays has been selected as a consultant for the strategic design of the First-of-A-Kind (FOAK) project in ...

On the occasion of the celabración of its Euskadi Congress, focused on autonomous mobility, Novadays presented ...

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, after a competitive process in which they have ...

Novadays, hired by the MAPAMA as technical office of the SEM Awards in the framework ...

The improvement of the regional public transport systems is an activity in which ...

The Government of Chile, with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank, has hired novadays ...