Feasibility Study and project design
The formulation and development of the policies are often concretized in the impulse of concrete projects from the public sector, either to be carried out directly by the governments or to be it through the public-private collaboration.
Novadays gathers an important experience in the design and feasibility study of many different types of projects, from Large infrastructure Projects a Public sector reorganization projects or Creating new Entities.
Our approach to feasibility studies is based on the use of Internationally recognized methodologiesdepending on the type of project. Among them, our teams have proven experience with methodologies such as the Cost-benefit analysis (ECB)analysis of Value for Money (VfM) or Business Cases (OBC).
Our Multidisciplinary approach (legal, technical and financial) to this type of project allows the public manager to fully analyse a project or to design it in such a way that it can be Viable from the legal, technical and financial standpoint.
Services for each stage of the public policy cycle: