Energy policies and energy efficiency

Energy policy and efficiency consulting


Green growth is the protagonist of a new revolution that has led us to star in the men and women of today. To transform our way of life and our industries or sectors so that we can continue to create wealth and, at the same time, guaranteeing the sustainability of the planet is a need that, among all, we must achieve. Within the framework of this revolution, energy policies and energy efficiency have a more than important role.

At the beginning of 2010, Novadays decides to group its consultants and experiences related to sustainability in a unit of excellence within the company: the Green Growth unit. The objective pursued by this unit is to assist Governments in designing their green growth policies, programmes and projects; As well as supporting industry and the private sector to renew their way of doing things; As well as to create and commercialise new, less polluting products and services.

Our history with energy and efficiency policies

 2005-2010: Pioneers in Spain

The Spanish experience in the introduction of renewable energieswhich placed the country as a world reference for its generation capacity with these technologies, was for Novadays an unprecedented opportunity to gain knowledge about renewable energy policies and projects at a time when the introduction of these technologies began in the world. In the Successes and errors of such policies, has been an important asset of novadays over the next few years, when it comes to transferring what has been learned to other foreign governments.

2010-2015: The expansion of clean energy policies and energy efficiency.

Since 2010, Novadays has become a global benchmark company in the design and execution of clean energy policies and projects and energy efficiency. With projects in the five continents, the multidisciplinary team of Novadays has allowed foreign governments to launch successful programs for the construction of energy infrastructures through public-private collaboration. What has been learned in some cases and countries, has allowed novadays to improve the subsequent policies of other nations, creating a virtuous cycle that allows our consultants to be innovating continuously in these policies. From 2013, to our experience in renewable energies and energy efficiency, an increasingly active unit specialising in gas infrastructures has been incorporated, advising governments in megaprojects of port facilities, power generation facilities and gas pipelines.

2016-20 –: Novadays, actor in major energy projects.

The future of our practice in energy policy and energy efficiency is focused on advising governments on both local projects, regional and national, as in large multinational projects such as the interconnection projects in the European Union or the great Inga Hydroelectric Project, in which the company is already involved, which is called to transform the African continent.

The transfer of energy efficiency models between countries and cities, and the impulse of intelligent networks and electromobility are also activities that increasingly receive more attention from our customers and, therefore, in which Novadays has acquired an important experience to continue advising over the next few years.

If you want to know our references in this area of public policies as well as the different ways in which we can help you, feel free to contact us through the form below.